Our competitive advantages are a recognized cooperation with the Port of Koper and its authorization, successful business relationships with some Slovenian railway undertakings and reputable shipping agencies with offices in Slovenia.
Thus, we have many secured business offers in Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and others. This area actively uses the services of the Port of Koper for sea shipping and consequently ours.
Our strategy is a reliable, flexible and dynamic logistics company that connects those interested to modern shipping, rail, road and air carriers.
We use our own, comprehensive information system with clear guidelines in all possible situations in order to complete and solve the entire logistics procedure from the sender to the recipient.
Our operation is focused on our clients and partners, whom we offer comprehensive logistics solutions. The strategy based on the needs of our clients has enabled us to internally reorganize and diversify in areas that are interesting for us in the long term and will form the basis of our current and future business growth. Such a path has required large financial investments and additional risks.
In our operations we are aware of the significant cultural differences between us and our global business partners. One of the important advantages that we offer our best partners from Asia is 24/7 accessibility and responsiveness. Our business model is constantly improving, so we, despite our small size, are an important partner to significantly larger customers.
Our development orientation is defined through starting points and looking towards the future and the strengthening of our market position of who we want to become and how and why we want it.
The long-term development of the EPAC company is based on the business vision “To become a key logistics provider for the goods from the Far East destined to the European market.”
The EPAC mission is to meet the demand for logistics services and ensure an optimal functioning of supply chains to the complete satisfaction of employees and other participators.
The strategy is oriented towards creating the following values:
Our competitive advantages are the cooperation with the Port of Koper and its authorization, successful business relationships with some Slovenian railway undertakings and reputable international shipping agencies, which have offices in Slovenia.
The relations between employees are based on values, such as honesty, confidentiality, impartiality, consistency, accountability and transparency.